Happy Canada Day!

Posted July 1, 2013 by CCC Staff in


Ready For College or University Cards, Are You?

Posted June 10, 2013 by CCC Staff in ,

June is the time when a plethora of high school students officially make the transition from teen to young adult. As a graduating senior, on your way to university, this is a very exciting and liberating moment in your journey of life. As you put on the unflattering cap and gown and prepare for the long winded high school graduation ceremony, you’ll reflect back on those four long years of high school. It will seem like decades ago when you were that scrawny incoming freshman. Now, look at you – you’re the cool graduating senior, headed off to college, where you’ll continue to master the art of balancing your social life & schoolwork.

Soon, you’ll be all on your own. No one to tell you what to do and when to do it. There’s no reason to stress; you’ve learned how to boil water, wash your own laundry and operate a motorized vehicle. You even know how to replace a button or patch a hole in a wall. You’re ready for complete independence. Or are you?

“Ready are you? What know you of ready?”

Yoda Statue at Lucasfilm Ltd.

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Finding Money vs. Cash Back Rewards

Posted June 4, 2013 by CCC Staff in , ,

It’s your lucky day. While walking down the street, you find a lonely bill, solemnly laying on the sidewalk, just waiting for a delightful new owner. You rescue the bill from the dangerous sidewalk, pick it up and cheerfully place it in your pocket. This unexpected gift from the money gods will definitely make up for the horrible day you’ve been having! But, then what? Do you spend your new found friend or save it for a rainy day? A recent poll by Scotiabank found that what we do next, all depends on the amount.

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