Most people don’t think about their credit score until they need a loan. After applying it’s usually too late to make significant improvements to your score. You’re stuck with the rate offered, or you can walk away from the deal.
Category: Personal Finance
Have you ever been curious what your credit score is? I think most of have wanted to know what their credit score is at one point or another. Whether you’re applying for a mortgage, credit card or car loan, having a good credit score can mean the difference between being approved at a low interest rate and being declined altogether.
It’s the spring real estate market and you’re thinking about buying a home. Congratulations! Buying a home is a wise financial decision for most, and a great way to build your net worth in the long run.
When it comes to buying a home, your credit card is probably the last thing on your mind, so it may surprise you to hear that it can be a worthy ally on your venture into homeownership. Of course, it’s only when you use your credit card correctly. If you abuse your credit card, it could derail your mortgage application, but if you use it in a smart way, it can actually make your journey to being a homeowner easier.
Have you ever received a phone call from someone who claims to be from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) threatening to arrest you if you don’t pay up? You’re not alone. The “CRA phone scam,” as it’s come to be known, is quite prevalent in Canada. In fact, according to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, more than $15 million has been taken from about 4,000 Canadians through the CRA phone scam since 2014. (Although the actual number of victims and dollar amount stolen is likely a lot higher.)
Us Canadians love our loyalty points. But before you redeem your points, be sure to understand the tax consequences, especially if you earned those points through your work.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. Tax consequences, what, tax consequences? And you’d be right in most cases. If you’re using your personal credit card to earn and redeem loyalty points, then there wouldn’t be any tax consequences from earning and redeeming them.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, it’s hard not to hear about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the hot topic around watercoolers these days. Is it legit? Will it hit a new record – or go bust? These are just some of the questions being asked now that Bitcoin has gone mainstream.
Bitcoin isn’t just popular at the office. It’s popular online, too. The search term “buy Bitcoin with credit card” is on the rise on Google, as everyone looks to cash in on the cryptocurrency craze.