Category: Credit Card Tips

Should You Use Your Credit Card for Small Purchases?

Posted May 22, 2014 by CCC Staff in ,

Accepted Cards

“Do you Smallenfreuden?” It’s already been a year since this phrase was introduced to our vocabulary during last year’s NHL playoffs. Visa ran a viral marketing campaign with the hashtag #smallenfreuden – it wasn’t until a few months later, when we discovered its true meaning. “Smallenfreuden” is a made up English/German word that roughly translates to “the joy of small.” The advertisements encouraged consumers to use their credit card for small purchases.

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Introducing the Credit Card Education Centre

Posted May 13, 2014 by CCC Staff in , ,

Education Centre Banner

Have you visited the Credit Card Education Centre lately? Well you should – the halls of knowledge have recently been revamped with the information you need to boost your financial knowledge to get the most out of your credit card (while avoiding the not-so-nice pitfalls).

With great power comes great responsibility – a credit card can be a powerful financial tool, when used responsibly. Our goal is to empower cardholders everywhere with the information they need to use credit responsibly, without the burdens of excessive debt. We achieve this through our Education Centre.

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How Many Credit Cards is Too Many?

Posted May 2, 2014 by CCC Staff in

Many Credit Cards in Wallet

We constantly advocate the importance of using your credit card responsibly. That means only purchasing what you can afford and paying off your balance in full each month. With so many credit cards to choose from, for some cardholders it can make sense to have more than one credit card. For example, you can have a cash-back credit card for your everyday purchases and another for travel rewards.

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How to Deal With Credit Card Fraud

Posted April 29, 2014 by CCC Staff in

Credit Card Statement

Don’t think credit card fraud can happen to you? Think again. A recent news story highlights the seriousness of credit card fraud. A man was recently arrested by the RCMP and charged in connection for allegedly using a stolen credit card to purchase thousands of dollars’ worth of home improvement products in Hamilton, Ontario.

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How to Protect Yourself from Phone Scams

Posted April 22, 2014 by CCC Staff in

Phone and Credit Card

“Hello. According to our records, you’re eligible for an increase to your credit limit.”

Sounds familiar? Chances are you or someone you know has received this or a similar phone call before. Out of the blue you receive a call informing you that you can increase your credit limit. If it seems too good to be true, that’s because it usually is.

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How to Protect Yourself from Credit Card Skimmers

Posted April 21, 2014 by CCC Staff in

Card in ABM

The Heartbleed bug has brought credit card security to the forefront. You may be aware there are some risks when using your credit card for online purchases, but there are also risks when using your credit card in brick-and-mortar retailers.

Last year, U.S. retailer Target announced 40 million credit card and debit card accounts were compromised. The breach occurred during the retailer’s busiest time, the holiday shopping season, marking the second largest credit card breach in U.S. history. Target revealed some Canadians shoppers may have had their personal information stolen as well.

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